A. Call to Order B. Roll Call
Meeting Agenda Approval
Swear-In of New Police Officers
G1. Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 2871 Accepting the Proposal for Professional Services from Leavitt Group Benefits Services of Arizona to Provide Insurance Broker Services; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $68,400.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract. G2. Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No.1178.365 Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1178 and its Subsequent Amendments by Changing the Zoning from Urban Ranch (UR) to General Business (B-2) on Property Located at 2182 East Florence Boulevard, Casa Grande, Arizona. G3. Consider a Special Event Liquor License Application for Casa Grande Main Street Fundraising Events Scheduled for September 27 and October 7, 2014. G4. Consider a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization (SCMPO) and the City of Casa Grande, for the Purpose of Providing Support Services and to Serve as Fiscal Agent.
Public Comments
Consider an Ordinance Accepting the Proposal for Professional Services from Schlesinger Consulting Engineering, PLLC to Provide the Roadway Design of Thornton Road; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $232,675.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract.
Consider a Resolution Accepting a Bid from Glenn Jones Ford to Provide a 2014 F-150 4x4 Pickup Truck; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $31,544.31; Authorizing the Execution of a Contract; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority Between Accounts.
Consider a Resolution Accepting the Proposal for Professional Services from East Valley Disaster Services to Provide Abatement of Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $31,064.88; Authorizing the Execution of a Contract; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority.
Consider an Ordinance Accepting the Donation of Real Property from Rufino and Rosadelia Sauceda for Public Right-of-Way and Public Utility Easement for 3244 E. Cornman Lane, Casa Grande, Arizona.
Consider an Ordinance Approving a Major Amendment to Santa Cruz Crossing, Casa Grande Planned Area Development (PAD) Adopted for Property Located Southeast of Rodeo Road and Trekell Road, Casa Grande, Arizona.
M. Executive Session: M.1 Executive Session: A.R.S. 38-431.03. A. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation with the City Attorney Regarding a Proposed Development Agreement with Peter & Burris, LLC. City Manager and City Attorney N. Reports O. Adjournment
A. Call to Order B. Roll Call
Meeting Agenda Approval
Swear-In of New Police Officers
G1. Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 2871 Accepting the Proposal for Professional Services from Leavitt Group Benefits Services of Arizona to Provide Insurance Broker Services; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $68,400.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract. G2. Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No.1178.365 Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1178 and its Subsequent Amendments by Changing the Zoning from Urban Ranch (UR) to General Business (B-2) on Property Located at 2182 East Florence Boulevard, Casa Grande, Arizona. G3. Consider a Special Event Liquor License Application for Casa Grande Main Street Fundraising Events Scheduled for September 27 and October 7, 2014. G4. Consider a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization (SCMPO) and the City of Casa Grande, for the Purpose of Providing Support Services and to Serve as Fiscal Agent.
Public Comments
Consider an Ordinance Accepting the Proposal for Professional Services from Schlesinger Consulting Engineering, PLLC to Provide the Roadway Design of Thornton Road; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $232,675.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract.
Consider a Resolution Accepting a Bid from Glenn Jones Ford to Provide a 2014 F-150 4x4 Pickup Truck; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $31,544.31; Authorizing the Execution of a Contract; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority Between Accounts.
Consider a Resolution Accepting the Proposal for Professional Services from East Valley Disaster Services to Provide Abatement of Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $31,064.88; Authorizing the Execution of a Contract; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority.
Consider an Ordinance Accepting the Donation of Real Property from Rufino and Rosadelia Sauceda for Public Right-of-Way and Public Utility Easement for 3244 E. Cornman Lane, Casa Grande, Arizona.
Consider an Ordinance Approving a Major Amendment to Santa Cruz Crossing, Casa Grande Planned Area Development (PAD) Adopted for Property Located Southeast of Rodeo Road and Trekell Road, Casa Grande, Arizona.
M. Executive Session: M.1 Executive Session: A.R.S. 38-431.03. A. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation with the City Attorney Regarding a Proposed Development Agreement with Peter & Burris, LLC. City Manager and City Attorney N. Reports O. Adjournment