A. Call to Order B. Roll Call
C.1 City Council Regular - August 17, 2015 C.2 Board of Adjustment - March 10, 2015 C.3 Fire Personnel Retirement Board - July 8, 2015
Claims - August 13, 20 and 27, 2015
Meeting Agenda Approval
G.2 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 1397.04.35 Amending Section 4.01.110(A) of the City of Casa Grande Municipal Code Regarding Development Impact Fees; Establishing the Severability of the Various Portions of the Ordinance; and Establishing an Effective Date. G.3 Consider a Liquor License Application Series #12 (12113260), New License to Piyushkumar Lalbhai Patel, dba Boston’s Restaurant & Sports Bar, Located at 804 N. Cacheries Court, Casa Grande, AZ 85122. G.4 Consider a Special Event Liquor License Application for RightCare Foundation Inc. Event “Big House Music Festival” on September 19, 2015 at Ed Hooper Park, 2525 N. Pinal Avenue. G.5 Consider a Special Event Liquor License for Greater Casa Grande Chamber of Commerce Monthly Business After Hours for September 23, 2015. G.6 Consider a Special Event Liquor License Application for Casa Grande Main Street Fundraising Events Scheduled on September 26 and October 2, 2015. G.7 Consider Accepting the 4th Quarter FY14-15 Report from a Non-Profit Organization - Pinal County Water Augmentation Authority G.8 Consider Appointments to the Police Advisory Board. G.9 Consider Appointments to the Airport Advisory Board. G.10 Consider a Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Border Patrol, Tucson Sector to Provide Ride-A-Long Clinical Experience for Border Patrol Emergency Medical Technicians; and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement. G.11 Consider a Resolution Approving the Final Plat for SAE, LLC; Requiring the Provision of a Financial Guarantee or Withholding of Recordation to Secure the Satisfactory Construction, Installation and Dedication of any Required Improvements; Establishing a Deadline for Required Improvements to be Completed; and Authorizing Execution by the City Manager of Supporting Documents.
Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 2929 Authorizing Payment to the State of Arizona, Arizona Department of Revenue, for the Annual Administration and Collections of Transaction Privilege Taxes (TPT); and Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $105,494.48.
Consider a Resolution Authorizing the City of Casa Grande to Renew Its Membership with the Greater Phoenix Economic Council; Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $29,232.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Membership Agreement.
Public Comments
Consider an Ordinance Accepting a Bid from Crafco, Inc. for the Purchase of Poly Flex 3 Crack Sealing Material; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $85,000.00; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract with, or Purchase Order to, Crafco, Inc. in Accordance with the Terms Submitted to the Arizona State Bid List.
Consider a Resolution Declaring as a Public Record that Certain Document Filed with the City Clerk and Entitled “October 2015 Amendments to the City of Casa Grande Personnel Policy.” and Consider an Ordinance Relating to the City of Casa Grande Personnel Policy; Adopting October 2015 Amendments to the City of Casa Grande Personnel Policy by Reference; and Establishing Severability of the Provisions of the Ordinance.
N. Reports O. Adjournment
A. Call to Order B. Roll Call
C.1 City Council Regular - August 17, 2015 C.2 Board of Adjustment - March 10, 2015 C.3 Fire Personnel Retirement Board - July 8, 2015
Claims - August 13, 20 and 27, 2015
Meeting Agenda Approval
G.2 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 1397.04.35 Amending Section 4.01.110(A) of the City of Casa Grande Municipal Code Regarding Development Impact Fees; Establishing the Severability of the Various Portions of the Ordinance; and Establishing an Effective Date. G.3 Consider a Liquor License Application Series #12 (12113260), New License to Piyushkumar Lalbhai Patel, dba Boston’s Restaurant & Sports Bar, Located at 804 N. Cacheries Court, Casa Grande, AZ 85122. G.4 Consider a Special Event Liquor License Application for RightCare Foundation Inc. Event “Big House Music Festival” on September 19, 2015 at Ed Hooper Park, 2525 N. Pinal Avenue. G.5 Consider a Special Event Liquor License for Greater Casa Grande Chamber of Commerce Monthly Business After Hours for September 23, 2015. G.6 Consider a Special Event Liquor License Application for Casa Grande Main Street Fundraising Events Scheduled on September 26 and October 2, 2015. G.7 Consider Accepting the 4th Quarter FY14-15 Report from a Non-Profit Organization - Pinal County Water Augmentation Authority G.8 Consider Appointments to the Police Advisory Board. G.9 Consider Appointments to the Airport Advisory Board. G.10 Consider a Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Border Patrol, Tucson Sector to Provide Ride-A-Long Clinical Experience for Border Patrol Emergency Medical Technicians; and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement. G.11 Consider a Resolution Approving the Final Plat for SAE, LLC; Requiring the Provision of a Financial Guarantee or Withholding of Recordation to Secure the Satisfactory Construction, Installation and Dedication of any Required Improvements; Establishing a Deadline for Required Improvements to be Completed; and Authorizing Execution by the City Manager of Supporting Documents.
Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 2929 Authorizing Payment to the State of Arizona, Arizona Department of Revenue, for the Annual Administration and Collections of Transaction Privilege Taxes (TPT); and Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $105,494.48.
Consider a Resolution Authorizing the City of Casa Grande to Renew Its Membership with the Greater Phoenix Economic Council; Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $29,232.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Membership Agreement.
Public Comments
Consider an Ordinance Accepting a Bid from Crafco, Inc. for the Purchase of Poly Flex 3 Crack Sealing Material; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $85,000.00; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract with, or Purchase Order to, Crafco, Inc. in Accordance with the Terms Submitted to the Arizona State Bid List.
Consider a Resolution Declaring as a Public Record that Certain Document Filed with the City Clerk and Entitled “October 2015 Amendments to the City of Casa Grande Personnel Policy.” and Consider an Ordinance Relating to the City of Casa Grande Personnel Policy; Adopting October 2015 Amendments to the City of Casa Grande Personnel Policy by Reference; and Establishing Severability of the Provisions of the Ordinance.
N. Reports O. Adjournment