A. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call
C.1 Council Regular - September 5, 2017 C.2 Arts and Humanities Commission - August 9, 2017
Claims D.1 Claims - August 29, 2017 - September 13, 2017
Meeting Agenda Approval
Special Presentations F.1 Recognition of City Employees - Clint Wilhite and Mary Sanders
All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda. *G.1 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3037, Accepting a Bid From Caterpillar, Inc. for the Purchase of a 2017 Caterpillar Water Carrier and a 2017 Water Tower; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $461,918.00; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract with, or Purchase Order to, Caterpillar, Inc. City Clerk *G.2 Consider Resolution No. 2825.187.2, Approving a Re-Subdivision of Parcel 3 of Mission Plaza at Mission Royale through an Amendment to the Final Plat Planning and Development Director *G.3 Consider Ordinance No. 3038, Conditionally Accepting Dedication of Public Right-Of-Ways and Easements for Utilities for the Community Recreational Center Project from The Carlotta S. Gilbert Revocable Trust, The Guylotta Limited Partnership, and The Guy & Carlotta S. Gilbert Revocable Inter-Vivos Trust; and Authorizing Dedication of Public Right-of-Ways and Easements for Utilities from the City of Casa Grande Planning and Development Director
Consider Council Appointment of Council Member Donna McBride to the City of Casa Grande’s Health Care Benefits Board of Trustees
Public Comments
Consider Ordinance No. 3039, Accepting a Bid from Action Direct, LLC Dba Redpoint Contracting to Provide the Construction of Stormwater Collection Ditches/Channels; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $336,667.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Consider Resolution No. 5070, Accepting a Bid From Shade `N Net of Arizona, Inc. for the Purchase of a Shade Structure; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $43,859.57; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract With, Or Purchase Order To, Shade `N Net of Arizona, Inc.
Consider Ordinance No. 3040, Accepting a Bid From AZ Wastewater Industries, Inc. for the Purchase of a Street Sweeper; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $269,762.00; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract With, Or Purchase Order To, Global Environmental Products, Inc.
Consider Ordinance No. 3041, Accepting the Sole Source Provider Offer From Empire Southwest, LLC To Provide Services To Rebuild The Street Division’s Loader; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $108,668.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Consider Ordinance No. 3042, Accepting the Sole Source Provider Offer from Empire Southwest, LLC to Provide Services to Rebuild the Street Division’s Grader; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $170,976.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other matters or Subjects Requiring Action by the Council K.1 Consider Resolution No. 2825.200 Approving the Final Plat for Phoenixmart - Phase 1; Requiring the Provision of a Financial Guarantee or Withholding of Recordation to Secure the Satisfactory Construction, Installation and Dedication of Required Improvements; Establishing a Deadline for Required Improvements to be Completed; and Authorizing Execution by the City Manager of Supporting Documents
Public Hearing and Consider Resolution No. 5071, Adopting the 2016 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER)
Executive Session M.1 A.R.S. §38-431.03. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation Regarding a Proposed Amendment to the Development Agreement with Santa Cruz Crossing
A. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call
C.1 Council Regular - September 5, 2017 C.2 Arts and Humanities Commission - August 9, 2017
Claims D.1 Claims - August 29, 2017 - September 13, 2017
Meeting Agenda Approval
Special Presentations F.1 Recognition of City Employees - Clint Wilhite and Mary Sanders
All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda. *G.1 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3037, Accepting a Bid From Caterpillar, Inc. for the Purchase of a 2017 Caterpillar Water Carrier and a 2017 Water Tower; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $461,918.00; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract with, or Purchase Order to, Caterpillar, Inc. City Clerk *G.2 Consider Resolution No. 2825.187.2, Approving a Re-Subdivision of Parcel 3 of Mission Plaza at Mission Royale through an Amendment to the Final Plat Planning and Development Director *G.3 Consider Ordinance No. 3038, Conditionally Accepting Dedication of Public Right-Of-Ways and Easements for Utilities for the Community Recreational Center Project from The Carlotta S. Gilbert Revocable Trust, The Guylotta Limited Partnership, and The Guy & Carlotta S. Gilbert Revocable Inter-Vivos Trust; and Authorizing Dedication of Public Right-of-Ways and Easements for Utilities from the City of Casa Grande Planning and Development Director
Consider Council Appointment of Council Member Donna McBride to the City of Casa Grande’s Health Care Benefits Board of Trustees
Public Comments
Consider Ordinance No. 3039, Accepting a Bid from Action Direct, LLC Dba Redpoint Contracting to Provide the Construction of Stormwater Collection Ditches/Channels; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $336,667.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Consider Resolution No. 5070, Accepting a Bid From Shade `N Net of Arizona, Inc. for the Purchase of a Shade Structure; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $43,859.57; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract With, Or Purchase Order To, Shade `N Net of Arizona, Inc.
Consider Ordinance No. 3040, Accepting a Bid From AZ Wastewater Industries, Inc. for the Purchase of a Street Sweeper; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $269,762.00; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract With, Or Purchase Order To, Global Environmental Products, Inc.
Consider Ordinance No. 3041, Accepting the Sole Source Provider Offer From Empire Southwest, LLC To Provide Services To Rebuild The Street Division’s Loader; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $108,668.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Consider Ordinance No. 3042, Accepting the Sole Source Provider Offer from Empire Southwest, LLC to Provide Services to Rebuild the Street Division’s Grader; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $170,976.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other matters or Subjects Requiring Action by the Council K.1 Consider Resolution No. 2825.200 Approving the Final Plat for Phoenixmart - Phase 1; Requiring the Provision of a Financial Guarantee or Withholding of Recordation to Secure the Satisfactory Construction, Installation and Dedication of Required Improvements; Establishing a Deadline for Required Improvements to be Completed; and Authorizing Execution by the City Manager of Supporting Documents
Public Hearing and Consider Resolution No. 5071, Adopting the 2016 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER)
Executive Session M.1 A.R.S. §38-431.03. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation Regarding a Proposed Amendment to the Development Agreement with Santa Cruz Crossing