A. Call to Order Mayor McFarland Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call
Minutes: C.1 City Council Regular Minutes - October 1, 2018 City Clerk C.2 Health Care Benefits Trust Board of Trustees Minutes - July 20, 2018 City Clerk C.3 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes - August 2, 2018 City Clerk C.4 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - September 6, 2018 City Clerk C.5 Board of Appeals Minutes - September 12, 2018
Claims D.1 Claims - September 26 - October 9, 2018
Meeting Agenda Approval
Special Presentations F.1 Retirement Recognition for Leila DeMaree
Consent Agenda All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda. Mayor McFarland *G.1 Consider Ordinance No. 3097, Authorizing the Abandonment of Twenty (20) Feet of Alley Right-of-Way Located Between Saguaro and Cholla Streets and Between Florence Street and Pinal Avenue, Casa Grande, Arizona, and Reserving Easements Therein; and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Documents to Accomplish the Purposes of the Abandonment and Reservation Planning and Development Director *G.2 Consider Special Event Liquor License Applications for Pinal County Veterans Memorial Foundation for their Eight (8) Fundraising Events Scheduled on November 17, 2018, January 5, 25, February 3, 23, 24, March 5, and 22, 2019 at Palm Creek Golf & RV Resort located at 1110 N. Henness Road City Clerk *G.3 Consider Approving a Special Event Liquor License Application for Casa Grande Main Street for their Fundraising Event Scheduled on November 6, 2018, 110 W. 2nd Street (Downtown Casa Grande - Florence Street) City Clerk *G.4 Consider Approving a Special Event Liquor License Application for Casa Grande Main Street for their Fundraising Event Scheduled on December 4, 2018, 110 W. 2nd Street (Downtown Casa Grande - Florence Street) City Clerk *G.5 Consider a Liquor License Application Series #12 (12113274), New License to Miguel Ramos, dba, Taco Giro Mexican Grill, Located at 139 W. Cottonwood Lane, Ste 101 City Clerk *G.6 Consider a Special Event Liquor License for the Greater Casa Grande Chamber of Commerce's Fundraising Event Scheduled for November 28, 2018, at Premier Cardiovascular Center Casa Grande, Located at 803 N. Salk Dr. City Clerk 10/12/2018 Printed Agenda https://destinyhosted.com/print_agenda.cfm?seq=416&reloaded=true&id=22724 3/5 *G.7 Consider Resolution No. 5141, Authorizing the Submission of a Grant Application to the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety; Authorizing the City Manager to Accept Grant Funds from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, in an Amount Up to $17,565.00 for the 2019 Highway Safety Plan Project for the City of Casa Grande for the Purpose of the Acquisition of Vehicle Stabilization Equipment; Authorizing the City Manager and Fire Chief to Execute a Grant Agreement with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety; Authorizing the City Finance Director to Accept and Disburse Funds as Necessary; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority Fire Chief *G.8 Consider Closure of N. Sacaton Street between W. 2nd and Florence Blvd and N. Maricopa Street between W. 2nd and Florence Blvd. on Sunday, November 4th from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm to Allow Activities for the CG Mosaic Event Community Services Director *G.9 Consider Closure of the Following Streets for the Veteran's Day Parade on Saturday, November 3rd to Allow for Activities for the Parade: - Brown Street from E. 2nd to Florence Blvd. for Staging Beginning at 7:30 am Until the Parade is Finished, Approximately 12:00 pm. - Florence Blvd from Trekell to Florence St. for the Parade Route from 7:30 am Until the Parade is Finished, Approximately 12:00 pm. - Florence St. from Florence Blvd. to W. 2nd Street for the Parade Route from 7:30 am Until the Parade is Finished, Approximately 12:00 pm. - Marshall St. from Florence Blvd. to W. 4th Street for Parking Floats Following the Parade from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. Community Services Director *G.10 Consider Ordinance No. 3099, Accepting the Proposal from Pro Petroleum, Inc. to Provide Fuel Delivery Services to the City for Up to Five Years; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Public Comments
Award of Contracts I.1 Consider Ordinance No. 3098, Accepting a Bid from SD Crane Builders, Inc. for South Operation Center Facility Upgrades; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $282,925.00; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract With, or Purchase Order to, SD Crane Builders, Inc., in Accordance with the Terms Submitted to the Arizona State Bid List
Public Hearing and Consider Ordinance No. 1178.229.1, Approving a Major Amendment to Bella Vista Estates, Casa Grande Planned Area Development (PAD) Adopted for Property Generally Located at the Northwest Corner of Kortsen Road and Peart Road, Casa Grande, Arizona
Public Hearing and Consider Ordinance No. 1178.194.4, Approving a Major Amendment to G-Diamond Ranch, Casa Grande Planned Area Development (Pad) Adopted for Property Generally Located at the Northwest Corner of Cottonwood Lane and Peart Road, Casa Grande, Arizon
Executive Session: None M.1 A.R.S. §38-431.03.A Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation Regarding a Proposed Development Agreement with Pending Economic Development Prospect – Lucid Motors O. Adjournment
A. Call to Order Mayor McFarland Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call
Minutes: C.1 City Council Regular Minutes - October 1, 2018 City Clerk C.2 Health Care Benefits Trust Board of Trustees Minutes - July 20, 2018 City Clerk C.3 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes - August 2, 2018 City Clerk C.4 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - September 6, 2018 City Clerk C.5 Board of Appeals Minutes - September 12, 2018
Claims D.1 Claims - September 26 - October 9, 2018
Meeting Agenda Approval
Special Presentations F.1 Retirement Recognition for Leila DeMaree
Consent Agenda All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda. Mayor McFarland *G.1 Consider Ordinance No. 3097, Authorizing the Abandonment of Twenty (20) Feet of Alley Right-of-Way Located Between Saguaro and Cholla Streets and Between Florence Street and Pinal Avenue, Casa Grande, Arizona, and Reserving Easements Therein; and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Documents to Accomplish the Purposes of the Abandonment and Reservation Planning and Development Director *G.2 Consider Special Event Liquor License Applications for Pinal County Veterans Memorial Foundation for their Eight (8) Fundraising Events Scheduled on November 17, 2018, January 5, 25, February 3, 23, 24, March 5, and 22, 2019 at Palm Creek Golf & RV Resort located at 1110 N. Henness Road City Clerk *G.3 Consider Approving a Special Event Liquor License Application for Casa Grande Main Street for their Fundraising Event Scheduled on November 6, 2018, 110 W. 2nd Street (Downtown Casa Grande - Florence Street) City Clerk *G.4 Consider Approving a Special Event Liquor License Application for Casa Grande Main Street for their Fundraising Event Scheduled on December 4, 2018, 110 W. 2nd Street (Downtown Casa Grande - Florence Street) City Clerk *G.5 Consider a Liquor License Application Series #12 (12113274), New License to Miguel Ramos, dba, Taco Giro Mexican Grill, Located at 139 W. Cottonwood Lane, Ste 101 City Clerk *G.6 Consider a Special Event Liquor License for the Greater Casa Grande Chamber of Commerce's Fundraising Event Scheduled for November 28, 2018, at Premier Cardiovascular Center Casa Grande, Located at 803 N. Salk Dr. City Clerk 10/12/2018 Printed Agenda https://destinyhosted.com/print_agenda.cfm?seq=416&reloaded=true&id=22724 3/5 *G.7 Consider Resolution No. 5141, Authorizing the Submission of a Grant Application to the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety; Authorizing the City Manager to Accept Grant Funds from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, in an Amount Up to $17,565.00 for the 2019 Highway Safety Plan Project for the City of Casa Grande for the Purpose of the Acquisition of Vehicle Stabilization Equipment; Authorizing the City Manager and Fire Chief to Execute a Grant Agreement with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety; Authorizing the City Finance Director to Accept and Disburse Funds as Necessary; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority Fire Chief *G.8 Consider Closure of N. Sacaton Street between W. 2nd and Florence Blvd and N. Maricopa Street between W. 2nd and Florence Blvd. on Sunday, November 4th from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm to Allow Activities for the CG Mosaic Event Community Services Director *G.9 Consider Closure of the Following Streets for the Veteran's Day Parade on Saturday, November 3rd to Allow for Activities for the Parade: - Brown Street from E. 2nd to Florence Blvd. for Staging Beginning at 7:30 am Until the Parade is Finished, Approximately 12:00 pm. - Florence Blvd from Trekell to Florence St. for the Parade Route from 7:30 am Until the Parade is Finished, Approximately 12:00 pm. - Florence St. from Florence Blvd. to W. 2nd Street for the Parade Route from 7:30 am Until the Parade is Finished, Approximately 12:00 pm. - Marshall St. from Florence Blvd. to W. 4th Street for Parking Floats Following the Parade from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. Community Services Director *G.10 Consider Ordinance No. 3099, Accepting the Proposal from Pro Petroleum, Inc. to Provide Fuel Delivery Services to the City for Up to Five Years; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Public Comments
Award of Contracts I.1 Consider Ordinance No. 3098, Accepting a Bid from SD Crane Builders, Inc. for South Operation Center Facility Upgrades; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $282,925.00; and Authorizing Execution of a Contract With, or Purchase Order to, SD Crane Builders, Inc., in Accordance with the Terms Submitted to the Arizona State Bid List
Public Hearing and Consider Ordinance No. 1178.229.1, Approving a Major Amendment to Bella Vista Estates, Casa Grande Planned Area Development (PAD) Adopted for Property Generally Located at the Northwest Corner of Kortsen Road and Peart Road, Casa Grande, Arizona
Public Hearing and Consider Ordinance No. 1178.194.4, Approving a Major Amendment to G-Diamond Ranch, Casa Grande Planned Area Development (Pad) Adopted for Property Generally Located at the Northwest Corner of Cottonwood Lane and Peart Road, Casa Grande, Arizon
Executive Session: None M.1 A.R.S. §38-431.03.A Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation Regarding a Proposed Development Agreement with Pending Economic Development Prospect – Lucid Motors O. Adjournment