A. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call
Minutes: C.1 City Council Regular Minutes - July 8, 2019 City Clerk C.2 City Council Special Meeting Minutes - July 8, 2019 City Clerk C.3 Police Personnel Retirement Board Minutes - May 8, 2019 City Clerk C.4 Police Personnel Retirement Board - May 20, 2019 City Clerk
Claims - July 2 - July 16, 2019
Meeting Agenda Approval
Special Presentations Introduction of Students Participating in the City's Internship Program
Consent Agenda All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda. *G.1 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3138, Authorizing a Construction Contract with Core Construction to Provide the Construction of the Main Library Expansion Project; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $765,100.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract *G.2 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3139, Accepting Bids from Various Vendors for the Installation of Up-Fit Equipment for Five (5) Police Pursuit Vehicles; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds for the Purpose of Providing the Upfit of Vehicles; and Authorizing Execution of Contracts With, Or Purchase Orders To, Various Vendors *G.3 Consider Resolution No. 5097.1, Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement Between the City of Casa Grande and Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens for the Senior Meals Program; Authorizing the Execution of the Amendment to the Agreement; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority *G.4 Consider a Liquor License Application (Interim Permit/Owner Transfer) Series #6 (Bar), License #06110046 for Gregory Dean Maurer, dba, Thirsty Donkey Tap House & Sports Grill, Located at 1601 E. Florence Blvd, Casa Grande, AZ 85122
Public Comments
Award of Contracts Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 1178.133.1, Amending Zoning Ordinance #1178 and Its Subsequent Amendments By Changing the Zoning from General Business (B-2) and Commercial Office (CO) to Multi-Family Residential (R-2) on Property Located East of Trekell Rd. and South of Kortsen Rd., Casa Grande, Arizona
Consider Ordinance No. 3140, Approving the Terms and Conditions of Thirty-One (31) Agreements with Various Companies for the Purpose of On-Call Professional Services for Fiscal Year 2019-2020; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds; and Authorizing Execution of Thirty-One (31) Agreements
Boards & Commissions Consider Approving the Appointment of Gary Wood to the Board of Adjustment, with a Term to Expire on November 17, 2020
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other matters or Subjects Requiring Action by the Council Consider Ordinance No. 3141 (Primary Property Tax Rate Not to Exceed $1.0606) or Ordinance No. 3142 (Primary Property Tax Rate Not to Exceed $1.1244), Levying Upon the Assessed Valuation of the Property Within the City of Casa Grande Subject to Taxation a Certain Sum Upon Each One Hundred Dollars of Valuation Sufficient to Raise the Amount Estimated to be Required in the Annual Budget, Less the Amount Estimated to be Received from Fines, Licenses and Other Sources of Revenue; Providing Funds for Various Bond Redemptions, for the Purpose of Paying Interest Upon Bonded Indebtedness; and Providing a General Fund for General Municipal Expenses and Restricting a Use of a Portion of the Funds; All for the Fiscal Year Ending the 30th Day of June, 2020
Consider Resolution No. 5193, Declaring as a Public Record the “City of Casa Grande’s August 2019 Amendments to the International Building Code, 2018 Edition” AND Consider Ordinance No. 1397.15.23, Amending Section 15.08.010 of the City of Casa Grande Municipal Code Concerning the International Building Code; and Establishing an Effective Date
N. Reports
M. Executive Session: 1. A.R.S. §38-431.03. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation with the City Attorney Regarding a Proposed Amendment to the Villago Development Agreement O. Adjournment
A. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call
Minutes: C.1 City Council Regular Minutes - July 8, 2019 City Clerk C.2 City Council Special Meeting Minutes - July 8, 2019 City Clerk C.3 Police Personnel Retirement Board Minutes - May 8, 2019 City Clerk C.4 Police Personnel Retirement Board - May 20, 2019 City Clerk
Claims - July 2 - July 16, 2019
Meeting Agenda Approval
Special Presentations Introduction of Students Participating in the City's Internship Program
Consent Agenda All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda. *G.1 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3138, Authorizing a Construction Contract with Core Construction to Provide the Construction of the Main Library Expansion Project; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $765,100.00; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract *G.2 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3139, Accepting Bids from Various Vendors for the Installation of Up-Fit Equipment for Five (5) Police Pursuit Vehicles; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds for the Purpose of Providing the Upfit of Vehicles; and Authorizing Execution of Contracts With, Or Purchase Orders To, Various Vendors *G.3 Consider Resolution No. 5097.1, Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement Between the City of Casa Grande and Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens for the Senior Meals Program; Authorizing the Execution of the Amendment to the Agreement; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority *G.4 Consider a Liquor License Application (Interim Permit/Owner Transfer) Series #6 (Bar), License #06110046 for Gregory Dean Maurer, dba, Thirsty Donkey Tap House & Sports Grill, Located at 1601 E. Florence Blvd, Casa Grande, AZ 85122
Public Comments
Award of Contracts Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 1178.133.1, Amending Zoning Ordinance #1178 and Its Subsequent Amendments By Changing the Zoning from General Business (B-2) and Commercial Office (CO) to Multi-Family Residential (R-2) on Property Located East of Trekell Rd. and South of Kortsen Rd., Casa Grande, Arizona
Consider Ordinance No. 3140, Approving the Terms and Conditions of Thirty-One (31) Agreements with Various Companies for the Purpose of On-Call Professional Services for Fiscal Year 2019-2020; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds; and Authorizing Execution of Thirty-One (31) Agreements
Boards & Commissions Consider Approving the Appointment of Gary Wood to the Board of Adjustment, with a Term to Expire on November 17, 2020
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other matters or Subjects Requiring Action by the Council Consider Ordinance No. 3141 (Primary Property Tax Rate Not to Exceed $1.0606) or Ordinance No. 3142 (Primary Property Tax Rate Not to Exceed $1.1244), Levying Upon the Assessed Valuation of the Property Within the City of Casa Grande Subject to Taxation a Certain Sum Upon Each One Hundred Dollars of Valuation Sufficient to Raise the Amount Estimated to be Required in the Annual Budget, Less the Amount Estimated to be Received from Fines, Licenses and Other Sources of Revenue; Providing Funds for Various Bond Redemptions, for the Purpose of Paying Interest Upon Bonded Indebtedness; and Providing a General Fund for General Municipal Expenses and Restricting a Use of a Portion of the Funds; All for the Fiscal Year Ending the 30th Day of June, 2020
Consider Resolution No. 5193, Declaring as a Public Record the “City of Casa Grande’s August 2019 Amendments to the International Building Code, 2018 Edition” AND Consider Ordinance No. 1397.15.23, Amending Section 15.08.010 of the City of Casa Grande Municipal Code Concerning the International Building Code; and Establishing an Effective Date
N. Reports
M. Executive Session: 1. A.R.S. §38-431.03. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation with the City Attorney Regarding a Proposed Amendment to the Villago Development Agreement O. Adjournment