A. Call to Order MayorMcFarland Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call MayorMcFarland
Minutes: C.1 Consider the Approval of the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes ofJuly 5, 2022 City Clerk C.2 Consider the Approval of the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of July5, 2022 Minutes City Clerk C.3 Consider the Acceptance of the Casa Grande Planning and ZoningCommission Minutes of June 2, 2022 City Clerk
Claims D.1 Consider the Approval of the Payment of Claims for June 29 - July12, 2022 FinanceDirector
Meeting Agenda Approval MayorMcFarland
Special Presentations F.1 Update and Discussion Related to the 2022 Municipal Primary Election City Clerk
Consent Agenda All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters andwill be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council.There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a CouncilMember or member of the public so requests, in which event the itemwill be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normalsequence of the agenda. MayorMcFarland *G.1 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3336, Approving theCity’s FY 2022-2023 Capital Improvements Plan; Authorizing theApproval of Contracts in Excess of $50,000 for Projects on the CapitalImprovement Plan to be done by Resolution; and Authorizing theTransfer of Budget Authority City Clerk *G.2 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3337, Levying Upon theAssessed Valuation of the Property within the City of Casa GrandeSubject to Taxation a Certain Sum Upon Each One Hundred Dollars ofValuation Sufficient to Raise the Amount Estimated to be Required inthe Annual Budget, Less the Amount Estimated to be Received fromFines, Licenses and Other Sources of Revenue; Providing Funds forVarious Bond Redemptions, for the Purpose of Paying Interest UponBonded Indebtedness; and Providing a General Fund for GeneralMunicipal Expenses, all for the Fiscal Year Ending the 30th day of June,2023 City Clerk *G.3 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3338, Approving theCity’s FY 2022-2023 Large Operating Expenditure List; Authorizing theApproval of Contracts in Excess of $50,000 for the Items Listed on theCity’s FY 2022-2023 Large Operating Expenditure List to be Done byResolution; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority City Clerk *G.4 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3341, Accepting a LeaseAgreement Between the City of Casa Grande and Casa Grande MainStreet and Authorizing the Execution of the Lease by the City Manager CityManager *G.5 Consider the Approval of Resolution No. 2825.214, Approving the FinalPlat for the Re-Subdivision of Tract B of Western Manor Amended,Generally Located at the Northeast Corner of Garden Avenue and GilaBend Highway: Requiring the Provision of a Financial GuaranteeMethod to Secure the Satisfactory Construction, Installation andDedication of Required Improvements and the Timing for Completionthereof; and Authorizing Execution of Supporting Documents PlanningandDevelopmentDirector *G.6 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3342, Accepting a Proposalfrom New Image Building Services, LLC for Park Restroom CustodialServices; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds; and Authorizingthe Execution of a Contract PublicWorksDirector *G.7 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3305.1, AuthorizingAmendment #1 to the Agreement with Shums Coda Associates, Inc. forthe Fire Plan Review and Consulting Services for Phase 2 and Phase 3of the Lucid Electric Vehicle Facility; Authorizing the Expenditure ofPublic Funds; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract Fire Chief *G.8 Consider the Approval of a Liquor License Application Series #12Restaurant (2011110), New Application to Jeffrey Craig Miller, dba ALatte Vino Bistro, Located at 958 E. Rodeo Rd. #1, Casa Grande, AZ85122 City Clerk *G.9 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3274.1, AuthorizingAmendment #2 to the Agreement with Shums Coda Associates, Inc. forBuilding Plan Review and Consulting Services for Phase 2 and Phase 3of the Lucid Electric Vehicle Facility; Authorizing the Expenditure ofPublic Funds; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract PlanningandDevelopmentDirector
Award of Contracts I.1 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3339, Authorizing the Sale ofCity Owned Real Property Generally Located at the Northwest Corner ofKortsen Road and Thornton Road, Casa Grande, Arizona; AuthorizingExpenditure of Public Funds for Reasonable and Customary ClosingCosts; and Authorizing Execution of Documentation by the CityManager CityManager I.2 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3343, Accepting a Proposalfrom Ellison Mills Construction/Willmeng Construction Joint Venture toProvide Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) Construction Servicesfor Additional Work on the Thornton Road Improvement Project;Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds; and Authorizing theExecution of a Contract PublicWorksDirector I.3 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3344, Accepting the Proposalfrom Achen-Gardner Construction, LLC to Provide Pre-ConstructionServices as a Construction Manager At Risk for the Kortsen ReliefSewer Project; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds; andAuthorizing the Execution of a Contract
Public Meetings, Public Hearings, Open Record Reviews, andClosed Record Reviews L.1 Public Hearing AND Consider the Approval of Ordinance No.1178.323.1 , Amending Zoning Ordinance #1178 and its SubsequentAmendments by Changing the Zoning from Planned Area Development(Commercial), Commercial Office (CO), and Multi-Family Residential(R-3) to Planned Area Development (Medium Density Residential) onProperty Located Generally at the Southwest Corner of CottonwoodLane and Peart Road, Casa Grande, Arizona PlanningandDevelopmentDirector L.2 Public Hearing AND Consider the Approval of Resolution No.5273.3, Adopting a Minor Amendment to the City of Casa GrandeGeneral Plan 2030 (as Adopted by Resolution No. 5273 and asPreviously Amended), by Changing the Land Use Designation fromNeighborhoods to Community Corridor for Approximately 5 Acres ofProperty, and Community Corridor to Neighborhoods for Approximately18-Acres of Property, all Known as the Villages at McCartney Ranchand McCartney Ranch II, Generally Located Near the Southeast Corner PlanningandDevelopmentDirector of Pinal Avenue and McCartney Road, Casa Grande, Arizona, ANDConsider the Approval of Ordinance No. 1178.247.3 , AmendingZoning Ordinance #1178 and its Subsequent Amendments by Changingthe Zoning from Planned Area Development (Mix Use) and MultifamilyResidential (R-2) to Planned Area Development (Commercial andMultifamily Residential) on Property Generally Located near theSoutheast Corner of Pinal Avenue and McCartney Road, Casa Grande,Arizona
Reports MayorMcFarland
M. Executive Session: M.1 38-431.03. Executive Sessions A.On a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, apublic body may hold an executive session but only for the followingpurposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with theattorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the publicbody in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneysregarding the public body's position regarding contracts thatare the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplatedlitigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order toavoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation Regarding a ProposedProfessional Services Agreement between the City ofCasa Grande and the Greater Casa Grande Chamber ofCommerce 7. Discussions or consultations with designatedrepresentatives of the public body in order to consider itsposition and instruct its representatives regarding negotiationsfor the purchase, sale or lease of real property. Discussion and Consultation Regarding a ProposedLand Sale Agreement for City Owned Property(20 Acres) Discussion and Consultation Regarding a ProposedLand Sale Agreement for City Owned Property (120Acres) O. Adjournment MayorMcFarland
A. Call to Order MayorMcFarland Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call MayorMcFarland
Minutes: C.1 Consider the Approval of the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes ofJuly 5, 2022 City Clerk C.2 Consider the Approval of the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of July5, 2022 Minutes City Clerk C.3 Consider the Acceptance of the Casa Grande Planning and ZoningCommission Minutes of June 2, 2022 City Clerk
Claims D.1 Consider the Approval of the Payment of Claims for June 29 - July12, 2022 FinanceDirector
Meeting Agenda Approval MayorMcFarland
Special Presentations F.1 Update and Discussion Related to the 2022 Municipal Primary Election City Clerk
Consent Agenda All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters andwill be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council.There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a CouncilMember or member of the public so requests, in which event the itemwill be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normalsequence of the agenda. MayorMcFarland *G.1 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3336, Approving theCity’s FY 2022-2023 Capital Improvements Plan; Authorizing theApproval of Contracts in Excess of $50,000 for Projects on the CapitalImprovement Plan to be done by Resolution; and Authorizing theTransfer of Budget Authority City Clerk *G.2 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3337, Levying Upon theAssessed Valuation of the Property within the City of Casa GrandeSubject to Taxation a Certain Sum Upon Each One Hundred Dollars ofValuation Sufficient to Raise the Amount Estimated to be Required inthe Annual Budget, Less the Amount Estimated to be Received fromFines, Licenses and Other Sources of Revenue; Providing Funds forVarious Bond Redemptions, for the Purpose of Paying Interest UponBonded Indebtedness; and Providing a General Fund for GeneralMunicipal Expenses, all for the Fiscal Year Ending the 30th day of June,2023 City Clerk *G.3 Consider the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 3338, Approving theCity’s FY 2022-2023 Large Operating Expenditure List; Authorizing theApproval of Contracts in Excess of $50,000 for the Items Listed on theCity’s FY 2022-2023 Large Operating Expenditure List to be Done byResolution; and Authorizing the Transfer of Budget Authority City Clerk *G.4 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3341, Accepting a LeaseAgreement Between the City of Casa Grande and Casa Grande MainStreet and Authorizing the Execution of the Lease by the City Manager CityManager *G.5 Consider the Approval of Resolution No. 2825.214, Approving the FinalPlat for the Re-Subdivision of Tract B of Western Manor Amended,Generally Located at the Northeast Corner of Garden Avenue and GilaBend Highway: Requiring the Provision of a Financial GuaranteeMethod to Secure the Satisfactory Construction, Installation andDedication of Required Improvements and the Timing for Completionthereof; and Authorizing Execution of Supporting Documents PlanningandDevelopmentDirector *G.6 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3342, Accepting a Proposalfrom New Image Building Services, LLC for Park Restroom CustodialServices; Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Funds; and Authorizingthe Execution of a Contract PublicWorksDirector *G.7 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3305.1, AuthorizingAmendment #1 to the Agreement with Shums Coda Associates, Inc. forthe Fire Plan Review and Consulting Services for Phase 2 and Phase 3of the Lucid Electric Vehicle Facility; Authorizing the Expenditure ofPublic Funds; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract Fire Chief *G.8 Consider the Approval of a Liquor License Application Series #12Restaurant (2011110), New Application to Jeffrey Craig Miller, dba ALatte Vino Bistro, Located at 958 E. Rodeo Rd. #1, Casa Grande, AZ85122 City Clerk *G.9 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3274.1, AuthorizingAmendment #2 to the Agreement with Shums Coda Associates, Inc. forBuilding Plan Review and Consulting Services for Phase 2 and Phase 3of the Lucid Electric Vehicle Facility; Authorizing the Expenditure ofPublic Funds; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract PlanningandDevelopmentDirector
Award of Contracts I.1 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3339, Authorizing the Sale ofCity Owned Real Property Generally Located at the Northwest Corner ofKortsen Road and Thornton Road, Casa Grande, Arizona; AuthorizingExpenditure of Public Funds for Reasonable and Customary ClosingCosts; and Authorizing Execution of Documentation by the CityManager CityManager I.2 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3343, Accepting a Proposalfrom Ellison Mills Construction/Willmeng Construction Joint Venture toProvide Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) Construction Servicesfor Additional Work on the Thornton Road Improvement Project;Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds; and Authorizing theExecution of a Contract PublicWorksDirector I.3 Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3344, Accepting the Proposalfrom Achen-Gardner Construction, LLC to Provide Pre-ConstructionServices as a Construction Manager At Risk for the Kortsen ReliefSewer Project; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds; andAuthorizing the Execution of a Contract
Public Meetings, Public Hearings, Open Record Reviews, andClosed Record Reviews L.1 Public Hearing AND Consider the Approval of Ordinance No.1178.323.1 , Amending Zoning Ordinance #1178 and its SubsequentAmendments by Changing the Zoning from Planned Area Development(Commercial), Commercial Office (CO), and Multi-Family Residential(R-3) to Planned Area Development (Medium Density Residential) onProperty Located Generally at the Southwest Corner of CottonwoodLane and Peart Road, Casa Grande, Arizona PlanningandDevelopmentDirector L.2 Public Hearing AND Consider the Approval of Resolution No.5273.3, Adopting a Minor Amendment to the City of Casa GrandeGeneral Plan 2030 (as Adopted by Resolution No. 5273 and asPreviously Amended), by Changing the Land Use Designation fromNeighborhoods to Community Corridor for Approximately 5 Acres ofProperty, and Community Corridor to Neighborhoods for Approximately18-Acres of Property, all Known as the Villages at McCartney Ranchand McCartney Ranch II, Generally Located Near the Southeast Corner PlanningandDevelopmentDirector of Pinal Avenue and McCartney Road, Casa Grande, Arizona, ANDConsider the Approval of Ordinance No. 1178.247.3 , AmendingZoning Ordinance #1178 and its Subsequent Amendments by Changingthe Zoning from Planned Area Development (Mix Use) and MultifamilyResidential (R-2) to Planned Area Development (Commercial andMultifamily Residential) on Property Generally Located near theSoutheast Corner of Pinal Avenue and McCartney Road, Casa Grande,Arizona
Reports MayorMcFarland
M. Executive Session: M.1 38-431.03. Executive Sessions A.On a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, apublic body may hold an executive session but only for the followingpurposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with theattorney or attorneys of the public body. 4. Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the publicbody in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneysregarding the public body's position regarding contracts thatare the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplatedlitigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order toavoid or resolve litigation. Discussion and Consultation Regarding a ProposedProfessional Services Agreement between the City ofCasa Grande and the Greater Casa Grande Chamber ofCommerce 7. Discussions or consultations with designatedrepresentatives of the public body in order to consider itsposition and instruct its representatives regarding negotiationsfor the purchase, sale or lease of real property. Discussion and Consultation Regarding a ProposedLand Sale Agreement for City Owned Property(20 Acres) Discussion and Consultation Regarding a ProposedLand Sale Agreement for City Owned Property (120Acres) O. Adjournment MayorMcFarland