A. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call
Minutes: C.1 Consider the Approval of the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes ofMay 1, 2023 City Clerk C.2 Consider Accepting the Arts & Humanities Commission RegularMeeting Minutes of April 4, 2023 City Clerk C.3 Consider Accepting the Planning & Zoning Commission RegularMeeting Minutes of April 6, 2023 City Clerk C.4 Consider Accepting the Planning & Zoning Commission RegularMeeting Minutes of April 20, 2023 City Clerk C.5 Consider Accepting the Historic Preservation Commission RegularMeeting Minutes of March 27, 2023 City Clerk C.6 Consider Accepting the Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Minutesof November 8, 2022 City Clerk C.7 Consider Accepting the Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Minutesof April 11, 2023 City Clerk C.8 Consider the Approval of the Police Personnel Retirement BoardRegular Meeting Minutes of March 16, 2023
Claims D.1 Consider the Approval of the Payment of Claims for April 26-May 9,2023 Budget Analyst
Meeting Agenda Approval
Special Presentations F.1 Presentation of Retirement Recognition for David Engstrom, PoliceSergeant Mayor McFarland F.2 Presentation of Retirement Recognition for Claudio Garcia, Park SeniorMaintenance Worker Mayor McFarland F.3 Presentation of Retirement Recognition for Susan Blythe, Safety/RiskManagement Specialist Mayor McFarland
Consent Agenda All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda. *G.1 Consider the Final Approval of Ordinance No. 1178.279.01, Approving a Major Amendment to Vista Ranch Planned Area Development (PAD)Adopted for Property Generally Located at the Southwest Corner of Kortsen Road and Interstate 10, Casa Grande, Arizona City Clerk *G.2 Consider the Approval of a Liquor License Application Series #7(Acquisition of Control), to Jeffrey Craig Miller, dba, Palm Creek Resort & Residences, Located at 1110 N. Henness Rd. City Clerk *G.3 Consider the Approval of a Special Event Liquor License for Casa Grande Main Street for their Fundraising Event Scheduled for June 9,2023, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Black Box Foundation located at 407 N. Sacaton St. *G.4 Consider the Approval of an Application for Bingo License from Alice Santiago, Manager, 155 E. Rodeo Rd., Casa Grande City Clerk *G.5 Consider the Approval of Resolution No. 2825.223, Approving the Re-Subdivision Final Plat for Casa Grande Business Park – III, Lot 5A, and Requiring the Provision of a Financial Guarantee Method to Secure the Satisfactory Construction, Installation, and Dedication of Required Improvements Planning and Development Director
Award of Contracts I.1 Consider the Approval of Resolution No. 5538, Accepting the Sole Source Provider Offer From Clark Electric Sales, Inc. dba Clark Transportation Solutions to Provide Phase IV of the Traffic Signal Interconnect Project; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other matters or Subjects Requiring Action by the Council K.1 Consider Canceling the Regular Council Meeting of July 3, 2023 K.2 Consider the Adoption of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2023/24 Employee Classification Plan to be Effective for the Pay Period Which Includes July 1, 2023. K.3 Consider the Approval of Resolution 5539, Adopting the Tentative Estimates of the Amount Required for the Public Expense for the City of Casa Grande for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024; Adopting a Tentative Budget Setting Forth the Receipts and Expenditures, the Amounts Actually Levied, and the Amounts Estimated as Collectible for the Previous Fiscal Year and the Amount Proposed to be Raised by Direct Property Taxation for the Various Purposes; and Giving Notice of the Time for Hearing Taxpayers for Adopting of Budget and for Fixing theTax Levies
Public Meetings, Public Hearings, Open Record Reviews, and Closed Record Reviews L.1 Public Hearing and Consider the Approval of Resolution No. 5540, Adopting The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Year 2023 Annual Action Plan L.2 Public Hearing and Consider the Approval of Ordinance No.1178.433 , Amending Zoning Ordinance #1178 and its Subsequent Amendments by Changing the Zoning From General Business (B-2) to Central Business (B-3) on Property Generally Located at 1654 North Pinal Avenue, Casa Grande, Arizona L.3 Public Hearing and Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3374, Designating the Valley Pump and Machine Works Signs as a Local Historic Landmark, and Authorizing the City Clerk to Record All Documents Necessary to Effectuate This Ordinance With the Pinal County Recorder’s Office L.6 Public Hearing on the Proposed Greenfield Commerce Park Annexation of +/-39.7 Acres, Comprised of Two Parcels Generally Located West of Burris Road and South of Peters Road
M. Executive Session: 38-431.03. Executive Sessions A. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 7. Discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding negotiations for the purchase, sale or lease of real property. • Discussion and Consultation for Legal Advice Regarding the Proposed Purchase and Land Sale Agreement for City Owned Property to Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) O. Adjournment
A. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call
Minutes: C.1 Consider the Approval of the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes ofMay 1, 2023 City Clerk C.2 Consider Accepting the Arts & Humanities Commission RegularMeeting Minutes of April 4, 2023 City Clerk C.3 Consider Accepting the Planning & Zoning Commission RegularMeeting Minutes of April 6, 2023 City Clerk C.4 Consider Accepting the Planning & Zoning Commission RegularMeeting Minutes of April 20, 2023 City Clerk C.5 Consider Accepting the Historic Preservation Commission RegularMeeting Minutes of March 27, 2023 City Clerk C.6 Consider Accepting the Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Minutesof November 8, 2022 City Clerk C.7 Consider Accepting the Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Minutesof April 11, 2023 City Clerk C.8 Consider the Approval of the Police Personnel Retirement BoardRegular Meeting Minutes of March 16, 2023
Claims D.1 Consider the Approval of the Payment of Claims for April 26-May 9,2023 Budget Analyst
Meeting Agenda Approval
Special Presentations F.1 Presentation of Retirement Recognition for David Engstrom, PoliceSergeant Mayor McFarland F.2 Presentation of Retirement Recognition for Claudio Garcia, Park SeniorMaintenance Worker Mayor McFarland F.3 Presentation of Retirement Recognition for Susan Blythe, Safety/RiskManagement Specialist Mayor McFarland
Consent Agenda All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered routine matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda. *G.1 Consider the Final Approval of Ordinance No. 1178.279.01, Approving a Major Amendment to Vista Ranch Planned Area Development (PAD)Adopted for Property Generally Located at the Southwest Corner of Kortsen Road and Interstate 10, Casa Grande, Arizona City Clerk *G.2 Consider the Approval of a Liquor License Application Series #7(Acquisition of Control), to Jeffrey Craig Miller, dba, Palm Creek Resort & Residences, Located at 1110 N. Henness Rd. City Clerk *G.3 Consider the Approval of a Special Event Liquor License for Casa Grande Main Street for their Fundraising Event Scheduled for June 9,2023, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Black Box Foundation located at 407 N. Sacaton St. *G.4 Consider the Approval of an Application for Bingo License from Alice Santiago, Manager, 155 E. Rodeo Rd., Casa Grande City Clerk *G.5 Consider the Approval of Resolution No. 2825.223, Approving the Re-Subdivision Final Plat for Casa Grande Business Park – III, Lot 5A, and Requiring the Provision of a Financial Guarantee Method to Secure the Satisfactory Construction, Installation, and Dedication of Required Improvements Planning and Development Director
Award of Contracts I.1 Consider the Approval of Resolution No. 5538, Accepting the Sole Source Provider Offer From Clark Electric Sales, Inc. dba Clark Transportation Solutions to Provide Phase IV of the Traffic Signal Interconnect Project; Authorizing Expenditure of Public Funds; and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other matters or Subjects Requiring Action by the Council K.1 Consider Canceling the Regular Council Meeting of July 3, 2023 K.2 Consider the Adoption of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2023/24 Employee Classification Plan to be Effective for the Pay Period Which Includes July 1, 2023. K.3 Consider the Approval of Resolution 5539, Adopting the Tentative Estimates of the Amount Required for the Public Expense for the City of Casa Grande for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024; Adopting a Tentative Budget Setting Forth the Receipts and Expenditures, the Amounts Actually Levied, and the Amounts Estimated as Collectible for the Previous Fiscal Year and the Amount Proposed to be Raised by Direct Property Taxation for the Various Purposes; and Giving Notice of the Time for Hearing Taxpayers for Adopting of Budget and for Fixing theTax Levies
Public Meetings, Public Hearings, Open Record Reviews, and Closed Record Reviews L.1 Public Hearing and Consider the Approval of Resolution No. 5540, Adopting The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Year 2023 Annual Action Plan L.2 Public Hearing and Consider the Approval of Ordinance No.1178.433 , Amending Zoning Ordinance #1178 and its Subsequent Amendments by Changing the Zoning From General Business (B-2) to Central Business (B-3) on Property Generally Located at 1654 North Pinal Avenue, Casa Grande, Arizona L.3 Public Hearing and Consider the Approval of Ordinance No. 3374, Designating the Valley Pump and Machine Works Signs as a Local Historic Landmark, and Authorizing the City Clerk to Record All Documents Necessary to Effectuate This Ordinance With the Pinal County Recorder’s Office L.6 Public Hearing on the Proposed Greenfield Commerce Park Annexation of +/-39.7 Acres, Comprised of Two Parcels Generally Located West of Burris Road and South of Peters Road
M. Executive Session: 38-431.03. Executive Sessions A. Upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public body may hold an executive session but only for the following purposes: 3. Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the city attorney or attorneys of the public body. 7. Discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding negotiations for the purchase, sale or lease of real property. • Discussion and Consultation for Legal Advice Regarding the Proposed Purchase and Land Sale Agreement for City Owned Property to Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) O. Adjournment